Eco-citizen day at La Bouilladisse

France Bleu Provence is a partner of the eco-citizen day of La Bouilladisse this Saturday, May 21, 2022 at the bowling alley and at the Isidore Gautier school.

A day to share tips and solutions for spending less, consuming differently and buying locally.

The impacts of our way of life on the environment: many local actors involved will be present to meet you.

In the program :

As part of biodiversity day, the city of La Bouilladisse highlights tools and experiences that everyone can put into practice in their daily lives to participate in an eco-citizen approach.

This day is for both children and adults. Free admission.
Snack bar and snacks on site.

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Saturday May 21: Eco-citizen day at La Bouilladisse // The impacts of our way of life on the environment: many local actors involved will be present to meet you.

source site-36