Canada to ban Huawei from its 5G network

Ottawa finally banned Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei and ZTE from Canada’s 5G network for security reasons.

“Our government is announcing its intention to prohibit the use of Huawei and ZTE components and services in telecommunications systems in Canada,” the Minister of Innovation, Science and Science said late Thursday afternoon. and Industry, François-Philippe Champagne.

This decision was made after a long and thorough review of security agencies and consultations with allied countries that spanned more than three years.

“The good news for Canadians […]it is that already, the vast majority of our telecommunications network does not include equipment with regard to the 5G network of Huawei or ZTE, ”supported Mr. Champagne during the press briefing.

However, companies that already use Huawei components will have to withdraw them, as is the case for Bell and Telus.

Although the two companies had asked for compensation if the government went ahead with this decision, Minister Champagne simply answered “no”.

Ottawa also plans to introduce new legislation in the short term to strengthen the country’s telecommunications system and protect national security, according to Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino.

Relations between Canada and China soured after Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was arrested in December 2018 after an extradition request from the United States.

“It was never a race, […] it is the right decision, it is the decision which is in the interest of Canada, which is in the interest of national security”, reiterated Mr. Champagne, without expressing himself clearly on the possible repercussions of the China.

“[L’examen mené] reflects the reality that in these two particular cases there is a need to ensure that we prohibit the installation of their equipment and technology in the 5G network, given the potential risks they pose to national security,” Mr. Mendicino added.

The imprisonment of the two Canadians Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig by China had then set fire to the powders with the relations between the two countries.

Recall that the United States, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom had already banned or restricted Huawei equipment on their territory.

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