The real reason why Tom, the youngest son of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, did not say goodbye to his famous dad…

Losing a parent is arguably one of the hardest things in life. But not being able to say goodbye to him is probably even more complicated to accept and live with. However, this is indeed what happened to Tom, the son of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, who could not say “goodbye” to his father, a few hours before he left this world. Nathalie Marquay, widow of the famous, and much loved, ex-presenter of 13h de TF1precisely revealed the sad reason in an interview granted to our colleagues from Gala.

The ex-Miss France also gave some information on the new life of his son, since his father is no longer part of this world, and the way in which he managed the mourning. Nathalie Marquay explained that, in recent days, Tom was not at his side because of his exams. “He is not here with us today, because he is revising his end-of-year exams in a business school that Jean-Pierre coveted when he himself was a student. Moreover, when he learned that his son was admitted there, he wept with joy”remembers the mother of Tom and Lou who has not forgotten the last words exchanged with her ex-husband.

Unable to say goodbye

And if the young man wants more than anything to succeed in his studies, it is also to pay “homage” in his own way, to his late father. In effect “for his father, studies were very important”. If life without Jean-Pierre Pernaut is very difficult for the whole family, Nathalie Marquay, who would have been entitled to signs from him, says she is still happy to have been able to “reunite the family” blended in order to accompany the former presenter TF1 until his last moments.

Last moments that Tom unfortunately could not share as his mother explained to our colleagues. The fault of an illness which confined him to bed and prevented him from going to the hospital: “He had caught gastro the day before. It’s very hard for him not to have been by his side one last time. But I want people to know that Jean-Pierre was an extraordinary father for all his children. He always protected them”. Let Tom be reassured, although his dad is no longer physically present, there is no doubt that he knows that he would have done everything to give him a last “goodbye” and that he knows very well that he will pay homage to him, in his own way, by successfully entering business school.

See also: Jean-Pierre Pernaut will not return…


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