what to remember from the day of Wednesday, May 18

The surrender of Ukrainian soldiers who were defending the Azovstal site in Mariupol continued on Wednesday, May 18, according to Moscow, whose forces are slowly progressing on the front line in the East. The 84th day of war was also marked by the start in kyiv of the trial of a Russian soldier for “war crime”. Franceinfo looks back on what to remember from this day.

Russian troops advance in the East

Russian forces are attempting a breakthrough near Popasna and towards Severodonetsk, one of the major cities in the Ukrainian-controlled Luhansk region, according to its its governor Serguiï Gaïdaïdenouncing “the intensification of the bombardments on the civilian population”. Four people died in the area on Wednesday. SSeven other people were killed and six injured.on the front line in the Donetsk region, according to Kyiv.

Russian forces are conducting “offensives all along the line of contact”warned the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The American Institute of War Studies (ISW) refers to an intensification of artillery fire on Ukrainian border installations in the Cherniguiv and Sumy regions and the limited advances of Russian forces in the Donbass and the preparation of a large battle for Severodonetsk.

Surrender of Ukrainian soldiers continues in Mariupol

At the Azovstal site in Mariupol, “959 fighters, including 80 wounded, became prisoners” in two days, said the Russian Ministry of Defense, information not commented on by kyiv in the early evening.

The Russian army is concentrating its efforts “on the blocking of our units near Azovstal”with artillery fire and air strikes, the Ukrainian General Staff reported.

Start of the first trial of a Russian soldier for “war crime”

Ukrainian justice has started its first trial for “war crime” since the offensive of troops from Moscow, that of a Russian soldier accused of having shot an unarmed civilian.

The trial, which should soon be followed by several others, will be a test for the Ukrainian judicial system, at a time when international institutions are also carrying out their own investigations into the abuses committed by the Russian military.

The Kremlin claims to have no information on the procedure. The accused pleaded guilty and faces life imprisonment. But the hearing was quickly suspended and rescheduled for Thursday, with no immediate explanation.

The difficult negotiations

The Kremlin accused Ukraine of refusing to negotiate. “The negotiations are not moving forward and we see a complete lack of will from the Ukrainian negotiators to continue this process”Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

The day before, kyiv had held the Russians responsible for the suspension of the talks.

Russia expels French diplomats

Russia has announced the expulsion of 34 French diplomats, in retaliation for the expulsions in April by France of 41 Russians. Paris has “deplored” this decision. 24 Italian and 27 Spanish diplomats suffered the same fate.

Sweden and Finland have officially submitted their candidacies to NATO

Sweden and Finland have submitted their applications to join NATO, a direct consequence of the invasion of Ukraine.

Turkey opposes their integration and could block the process, but consultations are underway to try to overcome Ankara’s opposition. “We hope to conclude quickly”said the secretary general of the Atlantic alliance, Jens Stoltenberg.

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