Australia | The Prime Minister plays soccer and… knocks over a child

(Sydney, Australia) Politicians usually kiss children during election campaigns. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison knocked down a young boy during a friendly soccer match on Wednesday.

Posted at 9:31 a.m.

In the middle of the campaign before Saturday’s legislative elections, which promise to be tight, the Conservative Prime Minister sparked a concert of stunned exclamations among the spectators when he hit the child.

Mr Morrison, 54, in shirt sleeves but still tied around his neck, was playing five-a-side soccer in northern Tasmania.

After several passes, Mr. Morrison, who recently described himself as “a kind of bulldozer”, started to accelerate, lowered his head and back like a skilled runner ready to spring from the starting blocks and lunged forward to intercept the ball.

A little red-haired boy was unfortunately in his path.

He found himself on the ground, like the Prime Minister who, realizing what had happened, hugged the boy’s shoulders to comfort him and then lifted him off the ground while the coach ran over to make sure he was safe. state and that the photographers machine-gunned the scene.

In the audience, stifled laughter quickly succeeded to gasps as the boy dusted himself off as Mr. Morrison crestfallen to his feet.

“Red card, and Saturday in court,” one user commented on Twitter.

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