who must stay to relaunch the club next season

France Bleu Gironde: Should Gérard Lopez stay at the Girondins de Bordeaux?

Frédéric Roux: I would like to say that we need a certain revival. Mr Gérard Lopez has renewed his desire to stay at the club, although it is in Ligue 2. But the finding is bitter. Failure is too bitter, it hurts everyone. I have a lot of respect for that person. He may have saved the club from relegation last season, but for me it was just pushing the deadline back a bit. When we see the season we have had this year, so I want to say that there are a lot of things to change at the club. And it may also involve a change of direction.

Yon Ecenarro: we know that it was short term with Gérard Lopez and that’s how it works. And our club, and what’s more now that we’re going down, needs to work not on the short term but at least the medium term, even the long term to restructure everything. And that, we know that even if he arrives, he is capable of next year, if he is there and to put the means and maybe we go back from the start, but to leave immediately. And that, that’s because it’s not what we want for the Girondins de Bordeaux.

David Guion, French Ligue 2 champion in 2018 and best Ligue 2 coach that year with Stade de Reims, should he stay?

Frédéric Roux: a more than disappointing finding. I want to say that Mr. Guion came a bit like a firefighter. I believe that he unfortunately failed in his mission. It’s a staff that is traumatized, it’s traumatizing a descent and if we keep the same people, we will work on continuity. I think it’s the end of a cycle but really the end of a cycle. And that needs change at all levels. So we’re leaving with fresh men, with men who are going to want to, who are going to have to invest themselves completely. And then on another project, quite simply.

Yon Ecenarro: we don’t keep it. He certainly arrived in a quagmire, we do not know who could have done better and we will never know. But in any case, it is a failure. Statistically, so yes, it’s only two and a half months, but he’s the worst coach in terms of points for a long time. If you come back down and want to push something, you need new blood and unfortunately, with these results, it’s difficult to start again.

In the current squad, which players should be kept?

Yon Ecenarro: I loved it, it’s Ahmedhozic, but I don’t believe it for a second. Afterwards, I will keep a former player who is still under contract, he has one year left, Paul Baysse, we also need veterans. Ignatenko, I would like us to keep him. Sékou Mara would also be great like Tom Lacoux. I would like us to keep the young people but we need a few managers in the middle.

Frédéric Roux: I knew Ligue 2. We know very well that Ligue 2 is another league, another level. It’s a championship that is completely different. I think fans need to be aware of that too. It’s not the same football, it’s the battle and we’re going to need quality young people who have given satisfaction this season. I am thinking in particular of the young Mara in front and of Tom Lacoux too, who unfortunately did not play in his position but who was still satisfactory. The framed with elders who have the bottle like Paul Baysse indeed, who is under contract and especially who has a local identity. And then there are also players that we recruited, like indeed Ahmedhozic and Ignatenko who gave satisfaction in a very difficult context. Ignatenko has already shown his will to stay, despite the club being relegated. We also recruited a young Pole in the goals that we must not forget either, I do not know him but it seems that he is a nugget.

This Polish goalkeeper with great athletic qualities (1.90m for 75kg), it is Rafał Strączek who signed up for the Girondins de Bordeaux until 2026. He will have the heavy responsibility of allowing us to concede fewer goals than this season

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