there is another Elisabeth Borne and you will be surprised!

On April 24, Emmanuel Macron was re-elected President of the Republic for a new five-year term. After taking his time to elect the Prime Minister who would succeed Jean Castex, Elisabeth Born, ex-Minister of Labour, was finally chosen last Monday, May 16. “I am really very moved this evening, I have a thought for the first woman who held these positions: Edith Cresson. I dedicate this appointment to all the little girls to tell them ‘go after your dreams’ and nothing must slow down the fight for the place of women in our society”declared Elisabeth Borne at her election.

And since that day, Internet searches associated with his name have not ended, between those concerning his colossal fortune and others of his detractors who already wish to eject him from Matignon. But one of them is surprising: there is another Elisabeth Borne.

She is a singer, at the beginning of her career, and of Spanish, Italian and French origin as her Instagram bio indicates. They do not therefore a priori have much in common, except their first name and their name. But maybe the election of Elisabeth Borne will propel the singer’s career? Why not, knowing that Internet users have already brought out a disco hit in his honor with great fanfare. This is the essential “Born to be alive” by Patrick Hernandez, released in 1978. Yann Barthès even had fun with it on Daily last Monday, by resuming “Born”, from the song, each time he pronounced the first name of the Prime Minister.

Antoine FM

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