“It’s a victory for public health and for ecology”, according to the director of the association Respire

The technical control of two-wheelers must apply by October 1, 2022, the Council of State decided on Tuesday.

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The Council of State ruled on Tuesday May 17: the technical control of two-wheelers must apply and cannot be postponed beyond October 1, 2022 for the oldest vehicles. Are concerned the machines of more than 125cm3. A decision welcomed by the three environmental NGOs which had seized the Council of State, including the association Respire. “It’s a victory for public health, for ecology.” rejoiced on franceinfo Tuesday Tony Renucci, director of the association. It is also an important step for France in its fight against air pollution”.

This technical control was, according to a European obligation, to apply no later than January 1, 2022. Faced with the anger of motorcycle associations, the government had postponed it by decree to 2023. A suspension attacked by Respire, Ras le scoot and Paris without cars. “The legal action we have taken is not against the two-wheeler federations, would like to point out Tony Renucci. “Our intention is to say that today we have a large fleet of two-wheelers, he specifies, which is aging and it is a source of accidents, it is a source of air pollution and noise pollution, especially on unbridled machinery.”

Tony Renucci recalls that this measure will, through controls, “to take out of circulation the two-wheelers which do not correspond to the norm”. “Half of the accidented two-wheelers are unbridled machines”notes the director of the association for whom the measure is “understood by many users”. “When France implemented technical control on the car in 1992, it did not create a social revolt”, he adds. No revolt either according to him in the other European countries which have already established technical control on two-wheelers. “It applies today everywhere except in three countries, there is no reason that it should not apply in France”, he concludes. Finland, Ireland and the Netherlands are the three countries which have, for the moment, opposed the introduction of this control.

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