professionals in the face of the crisis


France 2

Article written by

S.Lanson, F.Vallet, A.Zouioueche M.Cazaux, J.Cordier – France 2

France Televisions

France exports more than half of its wheat production. What is France’s strategy? What is the impact of the crisis for the country? The 20 Hours investigated.

It is an international crisis that can already be seen on the shelves. With the price of wheat exploding, it is the price of flour and then bread which in turn increases. An artisan baker from Marcoussis (Essone) may have to increase his wand by 5 cents. About six months ago, he had already increased his prices by 5 cents, increasing his traditional baguette from 1.15 to 1.20 euros. ”It’s like diesel, it increases and it doesn’t prevent it from rolling’‘, says a customer.

France is self-sufficient in wheat. It produces 35 million tons and keeps half of it. It exports the rest to Europe or the Maghreb. If the drought does not intervene, a cereal farmer is rather optimistic for the July harvest, sold at the world price. ”We went up to more than 400 euros per ton of wheat. I think it’s something that will last.‘, says Christophe Robin, cereal farmer. Wheat prices are expected to remain high for at least a year and a half.

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