this “crisis” which terribly tested the wife of Prince Albert II… Shocking revelations!

These last few months have not been easy for Charlene of Monaco. Quite the contrary! Last year, while traveling in South Africa, Caroline de Hanover’s sister-in-law suffered an ENT infection. For seven months, the main interested party chained hospitalizations and surgeries out of sight. In the process, the ex-swimmer was admitted to a South American hospital before joining a care center located in Switzerland.

Faced with countless rumours, Prince Albert of Monaco has always wanted to know about his state of health. At first for Peoplethe sovereign confided that his wife was suffering “deep exhaustion, both emotional and physical”.“She was aware that the only thing to do was to rest and follow a real medically supervised treatment. », confessed the happy father of four children. On April 30, 2022, Charlène of Monaco caused a sensation on the Rock by appearing alongside her family.

A particularly trying new operation

Since then, the mother of Jacques and Gabriella has been more discreet… According to our colleagues from “You”, the wife of Albert II of Monaco would have suffered an epileptic attack between two sinus operations in the summer. latest. After losing consciousness, the latter was reportedly rushed to a hospital in Durban. According to the South American media, “the operation” would have “was particularly trying” for the princess who would have – in the past – underestimated her recovery.

His overwork could be the cause of this terrible crisis. Indeed, convulsions are not uncommon in cases of high fevers and serious infections. During this period, Charlene of Monaco would have suffered ” a lot of pressure “ and managed not without difficulty “a lot of emotional things”. “The eyes of the whole world were constantly turned towards her”, we learn. Being far from her two children, the ex-sportswoman would have taken the situation not without difficulty…


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