Russians struggle to make progress in eastern Donbass


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In Ukraine, Russian forces are concentrating on eastern Donbass, but their offensive is slipping. Journalist Luc Lacroix reports from the town of Popasna, in the Lugansk region.

From the town of Popasna (Ukraine), in the Lugansk region, journalist Luc Lacroix reports on the progress of the fighting in the country. “We are here in the heart of the Russian offensive in the Donbass, in the small town of Popasna which had 20,000 inhabitants, but which today is a completely devastated town. Despite this, it remains here, even today, civilians hiding in the cellars”reports Luc Lacroix.

Civilians “live in completely disastrous conditions. They survive as best they can”continues the journalist. “This city is crucial to pursue, further north. The Russians and their separatist allies took it a week ago now. There are tanks everywhere here. The force deployed by the Russians is enormous but, despite this, they are struggling to make progress, despite the incessant bombardments…. In about a week, they have advanced only three to five kilometres.”concludes Luc Lacroix.

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