the Laval company Trokeur Débarras takes care of clearing your furniture

The new eco, the chronicle that talks about economic news in Mayenne and this Tuesday, we are interested in a company that clears your house. If you plan to empty the house of all its furniture, following the death of a loved one or to go to nursing home for example, but you are not equipped for the company Troker Riddance takes care of it for you. Based in Laval, this small structure was launched a month and a half ago and is growing more and more.

Useful for people who are not equipped

“It’s not moving, it’s really people who end up with furniture they don’t know what to do with”explains Delphine Le Lay, co-manager of Trokeur Débarras, “unfortunately, there aren’t many providers for that anymore, sometimes second-hand goods dealers who come but don’t take everything, so we take everything, completely emptying the house from A to Z”. This service is suitable for people who live far away or who do not have the material means.

“When we come to do a free quote, we take pictures of all the furniture and objects, which are listed in the quote and then we agree with the customers on what is marketable or not”continues Delphine Le Lay, and the company then makes a proposal to buy back objects that could be reused afterwards. “The goal is to really throw away the minimum possible”she adds. Trokeur Débarras figures per cubic meter the whole of the house and deducts the furniture that has been bought back.

“Mobile Antiques”

We can almost call them “mobile antique dealers”, which totally suits Delphine Le Lay, “we really want to make the service as simple as possible for the customer, that is to say that it is as if they were the ones who had done it, that they had taken care of everything, but we do that to their place and then we value their property above all”ends the co-responsible for the structure. “If it can take a thorn out of them by having this house or apartment empty, that’s great.”

The company also works in Sarthe and in the Orne. To contact them, visit their website.

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