the inhabitants of Pas-de-jeu suffer their nuisances



Article written by

A.Guille-Epee, J.Delage, L.Rouvray – France 2

France Televisions

In Pas-de-Jeu (Deux-Sèvres), the passage of trucks is becoming more and more frequent, and with it its share of inconveniences. Explanations.

Rising fuel costs are pushing trucks to avoid tolls to limit costs. In Deux-Sèvres, the village of Pas-de-jeu is thus crossed by more than a thousand trucks a day. The noise is permanent, the pollution unbearable. Crossing to the other side of the roadway is very perilous.

The inhabitants of Pas-de-jeu suffer more and more the nuisances of these trucks with the rise in fuel prices. In addition, there are countless damage caused by heavy goods vehicles in the village. Roofs torn off, damaged water drains, the municipality had to find solutions to avoid damage: place large stones on the side of the road, for example, to prevent trucks from climbing on the sidewalks. In addition, flexible panels have replaced the old ones so that they are not torn off by heavy weights. The municipality now plans to deny them access to the village.

source site-14