Large families: A pregnant candidate, beautiful announcement in pictures

Remember that before meeting Céline, Fabrice was the proud father of Johan and Bastien. And together, the two candidates of Large families had Paul (11 years old), Jean (10 years old), Adèle (9 years old), Louis (8 years old), Charles (6 years old), Marcel (4 years old), Rose (3 years old) and Valentine (1 year old). And last March, it was less encouraging information that the mother shared on Instagram. She explained that Louis was hospitalized because of appendicitis and that he had undergone an operation. “This morning he had surgery. Basically, it was for an hour of intervention. But after two hours, the surgeon called me to tell me that Louis had just come out of the theater and that there had been complications. The main thing is that he had surgery and that all those bad things are behind us. Now he needs to rest and recover. He is very tired“, she said in particular.

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