twice the time to find a job

It takes almost twice as long for a young disabled person to find a job than for an able-bodied young person. Young people with disabilities are ready to make concessions on their wages. These are some of the elements of a survey on the difficulties encountered by young people with disabilities in the world of work.

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These young people are very tempted to hide their disability, not to mention it during their job search. 40% of them state it in their CV, that is to say that well over half of them prefer to ignore their disability and pass themselves off as a valid candidate. They thus deprive themselves of the recognition of the status of disabled worker, the RQTH, and escape the advantages it provides. Most employers are subject to the obligation to hire at least 6% disabled workers, failing which they must pay a tax.

For them the job search takes longer. It lasts on average 7.6 months, which is almost twice as long as for the average of able-bodied young French people, who only devote 4.2 months to their job search, according to this Ifop survey carried out in particular for Agefiph. Suddenly, to get a job, they are ready to make financial concessions.

The criterion of remuneration is less decisive than for able-bodied young people: 44% of young people with disabilities consider the level of remuneration offered as an obstacle. This is much less than in the able-bodied population. There is a 12 point gap. On the other hand, they are, more than the able-bodied, in search of an ethical commitment on the part of their future employer. They also believe that the lack of job offers offering a work environment adapted to their disability is a hindrance to their integration into the world of work.

Young disabled people claim to have been victims of discrimination. Already during their schooling: this is the case for two-thirds of them. But also in their job search. One in two young people with disabilities say they have been discriminated against while looking for work. Lack of recognition, stigma, mockery and disrespect are common for them.

From November 15, the European week for the employment of people with disabilities will be held, a major operation which aims in particular to allow employers to change their outlook on disabled workers and to convince them that hiring them has more advantages than adjustment problems.

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