Montreal Alliance | Three goals for training camp

At the dawn of the first training camp of the Alliance of Montreal, which begins this Monday, the head coach, Vincent Lavandier, reveals the path he wants to take. He wants to establish a collective game system, while building a long-term program.

Posted at 7:00 a.m.

William Theriault

William Theriault
The Press

During an interview with The Pressa few days after his arrival in the metropolis, the French-born coach said he had set up three objectives for the training camp of the Canadian Elite Basketball League (LECB), which lasts only a few days.

“We will first physically assess the players, put them at the right athletic level, he explains. Secondly, it is to create a mental and psychological chemistry between the players, so that they can get along well. I want to assess their ability to be in a group. And thirdly, it’s playing basketball, setting up my collective game program.

“I interviewed all the players, continues the coach. I felt they were capable and willing to be in a collective idea of ​​their sport and the Alliance, a name that represents my program very well. »

Those currently playing in Europe, Greek center Gaios Skordilis and England winger Ashley Hamilton, will arrive during camp and in early June respectively, as they finish their season there.

During the camp, Vincent Lavandier will combine collective training and individual sessions, which will be personalized according to the needs of the players. He also intends to insist on the “man to man” defense.

No predefined holder

On the alignment side, the 50-year-old Frenchman works in an atypical way. In his head, there is “never a holder”. The five players who start the meeting are rather determined strategically in relation to the opponent.

“That doesn’t mean there won’t be leaders,” he says. It’s at the end of the match that we lead, so my five decisive players are something else. »

Everyone will earn their playing time during training, not based on their stats. Some players don’t have great stats. However, their impact is more than significant.

Vincent Lavandier, head coach of the Montreal Alliance

To measure an athlete’s impact in facets of the game not normally measured by statistics per se, the European coach has a solution. His assistant Jordan Faligant will be in charge of collecting defensive data on team members.

“We measure everything that happens in defense: the defensive on the screens, individual, movements, lists Vincent Lavandier. Only my staff will have access to it, and it will allow us to adjust. »

Shared vision

A few days ago, general manager Joel Anthony told The Press having found a “very good mix of young and experienced players”. His head coach shares this vision.

“Our particularity is that many development players will be active, underlines Vincent Lavandier. We have mixed our team with development and experience. I’ve always done that in my career, and Joel finds that important too.

“That’s why I’m an Alliance coach,” he smiles. I find it important to give young people the chance to compete against experienced players, so that they grow. »


Ashley Hamilton

The LECB allows a total of 16 players: 10 active, 4 inactive and 2 practice players. Since Friday morning, after announcing the recruitment of the last four athletes who were missing, the Alliance now meets this criterion.

Assuring that there will be surprises, Vincent Lavandier has already spotted players he sees as leaders. Montrealers Kemy Osse and Hernst Laroche, as well as the two Europeans, are, according to him, part of the lot.

I’m calm, I’m not stressed. Because I have experience, I am calm. And I will do everything to ensure that the players are calm too.

Vincent Lavandier, head coach of the Montreal Alliance

After playing an exhibition game on May 21, the Alliance will hit the road for their baptism of fire against the Honey Badgers in Hamilton on May 25. The first game at the Verdun Auditorium is scheduled for May 29, where Montreal will host the Scarborough Shooting Stars.

“We have several Montrealers. Playing in your city comes with a lot of expectation and excitement. My goal is to protect the group from this excitement, he concludes. You have to rely on experienced players in your own city. I’m very serene, but I can’t wait for it to start, like everyone else. »

Learn more

  • 2019
    Founded in 2019, the Canadian Elite Basketball League (CBLE) will hold its fourth season this year. A total of 100 games will be played this summer.

    Source: LECB

    Number of teams that are part of the LECB, a peak in its history. Montreal is one of three expansion franchises added to the circuit this season, along with Scarborough and Newfoundland.

    Source: LECB

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