Jean-Michel is an unforgettable Love is in the meadow. Candidate for season 6 of the famous M6 dating show, the former cow breeder made an impression as his journey was strewn with pitfalls. Bankruptcy, heartache and despair, Jean-Michel has not always had an easy life.
During his participation in Love is in the meadow, the candidate had unfortunately not found love, as recalled on Saturday May 14 Matthieu Delormeau in his program TPMP People. The host received several former participants, Jean-Michel therefore, but also Thierry Olive and the couple formed by Alexandre and Mathieu, who are currently doing interviews in Paris.
During his participation in season 6, Jean-Michel had fallen for Nathalie but his crush had not given rise to a beautiful love story. What about since? Asked by Matthieu Delormeau about his love life, the one who was forced to abandon his farm for financial reasons, and who even tried to end his life, painted a full picture, although he is today still single today.
“I had daughters but I don’t want the press to know about it. I live the hidden love“, started Jean-Michel, revealing then to have lived”almost two years” with a girl. “After that it stopped. Afterwards I met a girl who died in a car in Clermont-Ferrand. Afterwards I had adventures, and then there you go…“, continued the guest of Matthieu Delormeau, installed next to Thierry Olive.
Despite these romantic failures and this tragedy, Jean-Michel says he is not really looking for love. Asked if he would like to find it, the one who lives near Tours replied: “Sometimes yes, sometimes no.” “I would love to but I’m taking my time“, he conceded, confirming to Matthieu Delormeau to have received letters from men interested in him. An interest that has never been reciprocated.
In 2012, during an interview with Here Paris, Jean-Michel had already discussed his love life and the women he was with. “They were between 24 and 26 years old. I’m going to be 40. But when you love each other, age doesn’t count. Alas, these stories did not last“, he said at the time. Notice to those interested, the touching Jean-Michel is always a heart to take!