Jubillar case: Cédric “knows where to hide a body”, Delphine’s sister and brothers step up

If we take a quick look at the Jubillar affair, it seems that the investigation has not made much progress for nearly a year and a half, since no trace of Delphine Aussaguel – her maiden name daughter that she would have taken back since she was in divorce proceedings -, has not been found. However, this is not the speech of the lawyers of the relatives of the Cagnac-les-Mines nurse: they are certain of the guilt of the husband of the young woman, imprisoned in pre-trial detention since June 2021. Master Laurent Nakache-Haarfi, lawyer for the two brothers and the sister of Delphine Jubillar, expressed it off the microphone to France Bleu and reveals surprising information…

As for the lawyer of the uncle and aunt of Delphine Jubillar, for Maître Laurent Nakache-Haarfi, the guilt of Cédric Jubillar is beyond doubt. Like his fellow master Battikh, he visualizes very well what could have led the painter-plasterer to commit the irreparable. However, he brings another element in addition to the behavior of the husband and father of two children and the technical expert of the young woman’s broken glasses: the number one suspect is a “treasure hunter“. Player, he is in any case in online games, his addiction which led him to spend large sums.

According to him, the craftsman “knows where to hide a body“, “he is a fisherman, and he is often also presented as a treasure seeker by many of his relatives“. The family only hopes for one thing: that Delphine be found so that they can grieve. Delphine Jubillar’s uncle and aunt are also convinced that their niece is dead, even if no body remains. was found.As he and his wife said in the RMC Story documentary about the case, there is no explanation for his sudden disappearance, she who loved her children so much and hoped for a new life. happy love affair with her lover.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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