How to counter rising rental prices?



Article written by

D.Brignand, O.Martin, V.Llado, P.Eveque, H.Ayroulet – France 2

France Televisions

Housing remains the most important item of expenditure for the French. As rents keep rising, some are calling for them to be blocked.

With inflation, the price of rents takes off. Housing remains the main item of expenditure, Saturday, May 14. It represents my entire budget because I am a student, so I have no income“, says a woman. Rents are constantly rising, as in Paris, where the price per m2 has increased by 56% in ten years. In one year, the benchmark rent index is up 2.48%, which should lead to an increase in rental prices.

Rents are regulated in certain cities such as Paris, Lille (North) and Lyons (Rhone). But the housing confederation asks that these prices be blocked. Compared to a purchasing power that is well under way with the Covid crisis, with the crisis in Ukraine (…) all of this is no longer bearable for tenants“, noted Eddie Jacquemart, president of the national housing confederation. The government has not announced any specific measures, except for a bill to counter inflation in early June.

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