The 21st edition of the Tour d’Enfance, dedicated to the Handi’Chiens association, will take place in Reims on May 21 and 22!

Charity event in view in Reims, to help children! The Rotary Club Reims Clotilde and Handi’Chiens are joining forces for a good cause, during the Tour d’Enfance 2022 which will take place on May 21 and 22 in the Cité des Sacres!

the Rotary Club Reims Clotilde organize the 21st edition of its event the Tour d’Enfance, after two years of suspension due to the pandemic. Vintage and exceptional cars will parade on the Esplanade de la Porte Mrs in Reims, Saturday May 21 and Sunday May 22.

A charity event for children

The Tour d’Enfance makes it possible, each year, to raise funds which are then used to help suffering children. In 20 years, more than 200,000 euros have thus been harvested. And, in 2022, the Tour d’Enfance will finance the provision, by the association Handi’Dogsan assistance dog dedicated to disabled or weakened children.

The Rotary Club Reims Clotilde Childhood Tour will take place on May 21 and 22
© Rotary Club Reims Clotilde

L’entry to the event is open to all and this, from 11am on Saturday. Passenger baptisms will begin at 2 p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m. on Sunday, at the reasonable price of 6 euros per adult and 4 euros for children under 12.

A festive event

Besides, various free and festive activitiesincluding music and mini-parades, are planned throughout the two days of the 21st edition of the Tour de France of the Rotary Club Reims Clotilde.

the weather should, as a bonus, turn out clementwhich will necessarily be ideal to participate in this Childhood Tour 2022 !

For more information, you can go to the page dedicated to the event of the Rotary Club Reims Clotildeobviously.

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