“Lie” and “inappropriate photo”: Vincent (Love is in the meadow) separated from Justine, she posts a strange message

Unfortunately, I have to announce this sad news because I receive too many messages regarding my relationship with Justine. Today, life has decided that our paths separate. We are not angry and I hope to be able to relive such good times one day. I believe in life and I wish us happier days“, wrote Vincent, a farmer from Love is in the meadow 2021, on Instagram. This is how he announced his break with his beautiful Justine. If he assures that they leave on good terms, the main interested party shares a rather enigmatic message.

In this world that has become far too virtual, where our lives are shamelessly spread out, everyone gives their opinion, their point of view, their truth which is far from being close to reality, their edifying criticism, their judgment through what he saw through networks, heard in the media, or perceived through information that we were kindly given. So some will think that anger, the spirit of vengeance speaks to alleviate suffering but the truth is only very rarely shown, far too ugly to be exposed“wrote Justine then.

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