find out who are the candidates already declared in your constituency

franceinfo takes stock of the candidates nominated, constituency by constituency. Find out who is a candidate for you on our interactive map, which will be updated until the official closing date for applications on May 20.

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Manuel Valls in Spain, Éric Zemmour in the Var, Jean-Michel Blanquer in the Loiret or Gérald Darmanin in the North… We have known for several days where certain political figures are presenting their candidacy for the next legislative elections, on June 12 and 19. But do you know who declared himself a candidate in your constituency?

>> Legislative: how the strategy of unity on the left changes the situation, constituency by constituency

Who got the Nupes nomination for you? Will the presidential majority present a candidate against the Republicans in your constituency? Will there be a Reconquest candidate? Will you be able to vote for the Animalist Party or Lutte Ouvrière on June 11? All the answers to these questions on our interactive map.

To produce this map, we compiled the lists of candidates present on the sites of the various parties, and completed with the information gathered by Alexandre Léchenet on “Nsp Polls”. We relied on the information collected by the network of local radio stations of France Bleu. The map will be regularly updated and supplemented until the closing date for submitting applications, 20 May.

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