Hives fall from a truck, bees escape and attack the villagers!

A village in Isère was confronted with an apocalyptic scene this Thursday, May 12, 2022 after the accidental fall of several hives from a truck, reports the Parisian. Indeed, hundreds of bees transported by a local beekeeper invaded the streets, biting, at the same time, dozens of inhabitants. Among the victims, a woman in her 50s was taken to hospital.

According to information from our colleagues, municipal agents who ensured the return to school in front of the primary school of Côtes-d’Arey would have attended the surreal scene. Without further ado, they would then have taken care to notify the Town Hall after having confined the children inside the establishment. A complaint should be filed.

50 to 100 people stung

Between ” 50 to 100 people would have been stung, explained the firefighters in particular. The mayor, for his part, specifies that the hives were probably ” poorly secured on the trailer. They would have fallen for almost a kilometer before the driver noticed the situation.

A team of beekeepers would have been contacted to neutralize the bees. On its Twitter account, the prefecture of Isère posted a message to alert the population. ” A dozen hives fell in the village of Les Côtes-d’Arey. Help is on the spot. Avoid the sector during the intervention “, could we read on the social network.

Relief was mobilized with the aim of “ transfer the children to the canteen places “At lunchtime, said the director of municipal services, Catherine Decourt, to Parisian. At the time of the end of the classes, there was ” still bees everywhere “. But the mayor of the village said that they should be gone ” according to specialists, at nightfall “.


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