food prices have all gone up


Article written by

A.Sylvain, C.Rougerie, T.Petit, A.Zouioueche, N.Salem, Y.Saidani – France 3

France Televisions

Meat, pasta, oils, many everyday food products have seen their prices increase in one year, Friday May 13.

Friday, May 13, the bill increases, especially for food products. In one year, pasta has increased by 15%, frozen meats by 11%, flours and oils by 10% and 11%. Prices for national brands increased by 2.6%, less than retailer brands (3.2%) and first price brands (6.6%). The war in Ukraine, the Covid and the drought of last year explain these price increases, as well as speculation on certain products, such as oil.

“What is paradoxical is that we are not talking about a price increase which is linked to tensions on current stocks. Why? Because the 2021 sunflower harvest is here. (…) We anticipate the fact that, currently, the Ukrainians and the Russians are going to have a lot of difficulties.”, explains Rodolphe Bonnasse, consumer and retail expert. INSEE predicts inflation of more than 5% in June.

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