US Orléans face Laval at St Pryvé for the last game of the season

It’s the end of the National championship and the last poster is beautiful. For the 34th day, US Orléans takes on Stade Lavallois this Friday, May 13, 2022. The USO, which has nothing left to play, plays its last match of the year almost at home against the champion. Because the match is relocated to St Pryvé, at the Grand Clos stadium. The lawn of the Stade de la Source is getting a makeover to welcome the French women’s team in July.

Disappointment for fans

The relocation of the match does not really please. Patrick is a faithful follower of the USO and this relocation saddens him. “This is the negative side of this end of the season. The Laval club would have come with its supporters and it would have been a great sporting celebration” Same observation for this other subscriber of the stadium of La Source. “_It bothers me that the game isn’t being played at La Source so I won’t go_. This will be my way of challenging.”

I would have preferred a hundred times to play in our stadium

The poster is however beautiful with the arrival of the National champion. Laval will play in Ligue 2 next season. Orleans coach Xavier Collins also does not hide his frustration. “I say, it pisses me off! It’s the last match, we play Laval who are champions so I would have preferred to play in our stadium a hundred times. But no one asked my opinion.“The USO supporters club, the Drougies, will be present at the St Pryvé stadium.

The USO group

Xavier Collins, the coach, calls only one goalkeeper for this last game. number two, Theo Vermot was injured during the match in Sète. The third goalkeeper is also injured. Owen Matimbou injured his left hand and will therefore be absent.

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The game live

US Orléans – Stade Lavallois, it’s this Friday at 8:45 p.m. live on France Bleu Orléans. But see you at 8:15 p.m. for the pre-match and the prediction contest.

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