the end of the wearing of the compulsory mask in transport (or almost)

On the question of wearing a mask, France is thus aligning itself with some of its European neighbors, such as Great Britain, Ireland and Switzerland, which have already lifted this obligation. From Monday, therefore, with us too, the mandatory mask in trains, buses, metros, taxis and planes is over.

The government is relying on the improvement in the figures to explain this decision, because the country now records an average of 40,000 contaminations per day, a figure that has been falling for more than a month. There are still 20,000 Covid-19 patients in hospital, but admissions are also down.

The decision is rather consensus among epidemiologists. Of course, the epidemic is not over. She risks leaving again in the fall, but precisely, several experts point out that relaxing the constraint of the mask now, in a period of calm and when it starts to get hot, this can make it possible to prepare for a better acceptability of her return if it becomes necessary.

Moreover, it is necessary to underline what Olivier Véran said yesterday, it is not quite a return to life before, because “The mask will no longer be compulsory, but it is still recommended”. For epidemiologist Mircea Sofonea, there are several situations in which it will be preferable to keep the mask on. First, of course, if you have symptoms or are in contact, so as not to risk infecting others. Then, if you are fragile, with for example renal or respiratory insufficiency, if you are immunocompromised or if you are over 65 years old.

Finally, as the virus is still circulating, even in healthy people, we will also have to take into account the type of journey. Because for Mircea Sofonea, when you are for example more than 15 minutes, in a poorly ventilated train or bus where all the seats are occupied, this context can easily multiply by 10 the average risk of contamination. Especially if the passengers are talking to each other. It is therefore up to everyone to take this into account, to protect themselves and others.

Remember that the mask and the “health pass” remain compulsory to access hospitals and nursing homes. As well as a week’s isolation in the event of a positive test.

source site-14
