soon the end of the mandatory mask in public transport



France 3

Article written by

A.Chopin, S.Aramon, K.Lemperor, J.Weyl, A.Gouty, L.Houel – France 3

France Televisions

Monday, May 16, the mask will no longer be compulsory in public transport. The Covid-19 epidemic is receding, which allows more freedom.

The mask will no longer be compulsory in transport (metro, train, plane) from Monday May 16. “There were plenty of people who no longer even respected the rule so frankly you might as well remove it directly”, observes a man. “If I don’t have to put it on, I won’t put it on”, add another. But many are those who will continue to wear the mask, as a precaution. “I am a very fragile person […] so I think I’m going to keep wearing it.” assures a woman.

The improvement of the epidemiological situation allows the lifting of this obligation. The number of average contaminations decreases. “What is really important is that people who are sick, who have symptoms, or who are in contact with a sick person keep it, because for a few days they can be contagious”, explains Damien Mascret, doctor and journalist France Televisions. The mask will remain compulsory in health centers and nursing homes.

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