the big rant of Emmanuel Macron in front of this family photo!

At the dawn of legislative elections supposed to give a majority of deputies to the supporters of Emmanuel Macron, negotiations are in order. If on the left of the political spectrum, the various socialist, environmentalist and communist forces took some time to find a consensus in order to form a common front, in the center, we wanted to play the family reunion card. Thursday May 5, 2022, Stanislas Guerini, general delegate of La République en Marche, announced during a press conference that Emmanuel Macron was renaming his Renaissance party. He also confirmed the creation of a political agreement, called Together, which “brings together the three parties of the presidential majority for the legislative elections”. In order to illustrate this new coalition, the representatives of these parties were all present at this meeting: Richard Ferrand, LREM president of the National Assembly, François Bayrou (MoDem) and Édouard Philippe (Horizons). If their speeches went in the direction of this announced cordial agreement, a photo taken during the press conference nevertheless suggested that the atmosphere was not necessarily at the rendezvous between these three political tenors with personal ambitions sharpened like cleavers.

The cliché is certainly only a simple snapshot but it says a lot about the rather fresh relations maintained by these political leaders. Taken by the magazine The World, the snapshot shows Édouard Philippe seated on the left, arms crossed, and ebony eyes. François Bayrou stands a few meters further and displays an annoyed and surly air. A photo that quickly went viral on the Web and has been the subject of numerous parodies.

In any case, this shot did not make Emmanuel Macron laugh at all. In their edition of Wednesday May 11, 2022, our colleagues from Le Canard enchaine report that the President of the Republic would even have had a big rant by declaring: “Looks like a funeral!“before adding:”Not a single woman, it’s a fault!“.


See also: Brigitte Macron: this totally inappropriate joke…

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