Visit of a Canadian delegation to Kyiv | The moment chosen to “counter Russian propaganda”

(Ottawa) The visit was organized in the greatest secrecy for security reasons. The 12-hour train journey from Poland to Kyiv overnight from Saturday to Sunday seemed endless. But the message of solidarity that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and two of his ministers made a point of delivering verbally to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, was essential.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Joel-Denis Bellavance

Joel-Denis Bellavance
The Press

This surprise visit to the Ukrainian capital on Sunday came at a time considered strategic by the Trudeau government: less than 24 hours before the traditional May 9 military parade in Moscow which marks the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. .


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was accompanied on his surprise visit to Kyiv by ministers Mélanie Joly (left) and Chrystia Freeland (right).

In Kyiv, in addition to announcing new military aid, the Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly took the opportunity to reopen the Canadian Embassy. Another powerful symbol which demonstrates that the illegal war waged by Vladimir Putin in Ukraine is far from taking place according to the plans of the Russian president, considers Minister Mélanie Joly.

“We had been working on this visit for some time. But it was important, for strategic reasons, to go to Kyiv before May 9 to counter Russian propaganda,” said the head of Canadian diplomacy on the phone, her voice solid despite an exhausting trip to an area of war.

Demining operation

Concretely, the reopening of the Canadian Embassy will make it possible to further strengthen diplomatic relations between the two countries and to target the financial and military needs of the Ukrainian government and the Canadian contribution.

In addition, this will allow Canada to mobilize the efforts of the international community to proceed as quickly as possible with the clearance of areas that have been recaptured by Ukrainian military forces.

The task of securing the reconquered territory promises to be Herculean, according to Minister Joly. The Canadian delegation was able to observe this when it visited Irpin, a town of some 100,000 inhabitants on the outskirts of Kyiv which had been shelled for weeks. Countless posters have already been installed to warn passers-by of the presence of mines.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau looks at a destroyed bridge in Irpin from the window of the car transporting it.

“Irpin is a satellite suburb that could look like Mirabel or even Boucherville. It’s a place where young families buy their first condo, their first house. There are parks everywhere and games for children. It’s very family-friendly, ”explained Pretty from Berlin.

[Irpin] was a strategic city for Russia in its aim to capture Kyiv. The resistance of the local army was very strong, despite the fact that there were eight Russian soldiers for every Ukrainian soldier. But the Russians mined the entire territory of the city. There are landmines everywhere.

Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada

Canada, which is at the origin of the Convention on the prohibition of anti-personnel mines signed in 1997, intends to make the necessary efforts to free Ukrainian territory from these mines which can explode without warning. During the visit, Mr. Trudeau also announced financial assistance to accelerate the mapping of cities and offered the services of Canadian experts in the field.

“We are going to be there to demine Ukraine. It’s a lot of work that needs to be done so that the population can return safely,” said Pretty.

‘Extremely determined’

The Minister of Foreign Affairs had visited Ukraine in January, before Russia invaded the country. The difference between the two visits is striking.

It’s a huge contrast. I see it on people’s faces. There is a pain, a heaviness. The lines are drawn. We see the anxiety. There is a fatigue that is evident. In Kyiv, public places are empty, curfews are constant.

Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada

As a precaution, the curtains of the cars of the train carrying the Canadian delegation were lowered during the round trip. In the streets of Kyiv, the convoy of cars circulated with their headlights off so as not to attract attention. A sign that bombings are still possible at the gates of the capital, Mr. Trudeau and the members of the Canadian delegation could hear the sirens sounding shortly after their arrival at the presidential palace.

“Hearing the sirens, we knew that there could be strikes within a radius of 200 kilometers from Kyiv. But at the same time, the resilience of President Zelensky and his people in the face of the enemy is very inspiring. They are extremely determined,” said Joly, who plans to visit Ukraine again.

“The fact that we have started seeing the maple leaf again on the streets of Kyiv shows that we are there even in the most difficult times. Canada is Ukraine’s best friend. It was a very important visit. And it’s certainly not the last. »

This official visit was obviously not without risk. It is also extremely rare for Justin Trudeau to travel with Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland to a war zone. Because in the event of the death of the first, it is up to Mme Freeland would be given the job of serving as premier, according to an executive order establishing the pecking order in the cabinet. If something bad happens to both of them, the next on the list is the minister with the most seniority, Minister of Veterans Affairs Lawrence MacAulay.

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