“A proposal that goes in the right direction”, rejoices Laurent Berger

SAccording to Laurent Berger, who chairs the European Trade Union Confederation, the idea put forward by Emmanuel Macron in Strasbourg on Monday to create a “European political community” to welcome Ukraine in particular “responds to the urgency of the moment”.

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“The question of a greater European community is something important”, explained Tuesday, May 10 on France Inter, Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT. This idea put forward on Monday by Emmanuel Macron in his speech given in Strasbourg on the creation of a “European political community” to welcome Ukraine in particular “responds to the urgency of the moment”according to Laurent Berger, who chairs the European Trade Union Confederation.

“The European Trade Union Confederation is beyond the member countries of the European Union, it also concerns our Ukrainian comrades”, he believes. It is therefore, according to him, a proposal “going in the right direction”.

“It’s the realization that is not going to be easy. Europe is a long process and, at the same time, it is our horizon and our solution. Also, it is good to revise the way it works.”

Lawrence Berger

at France Inter

Monday in Strasbourg, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, addressed the issue of unanimous voting on decisions in certain areas, a frequent source of blockage. “I have always argued that unanimity voting in certain key areas no longer makes sense if we want to move faster,” she said. This is a reflection that also goes in the right direction, according to Laurent Berger: “The European Trade Union Confederation has been campaigning against the unanimity rule for a long time, which allows a lot of blockages and not to move forward fast enough”he says.

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