presidential majority candidates more seasoned than in 2017

Emmanuel Macron had, one day, tried to remobilize his troops by telling them: “Be proud to be amateurs”. En this beginning of the second term, this sentence would no longer have much meaning.

En 2017, without an obvious majority behind him, Emmanuel Macron drew heavily on civil society. HASoday, of the 502 candidates declared under the label of the presidential majority, half are outgoing deputies. Lhe rest is made up of ministerial advisers, political advisers and about fifteen ministers. VSmain rite: loyalty to the Head of State. HASIn total, there are still 75 constituencies to be allocated, but as things stand, only a handful of candidates have never had an elective mandate.

This will be one of the topics for them in this campaign. Five years in power, five years of crises: the “yellow vests”, the Covid-19, rising prices… “En 2017, anyone could win with a photo of Macron on their poster. There, it’s another story”, apprehends a freshly invested suitor.

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Each candidate has his strategy. the
Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, for example: candidate for his re-election in Isère, he relies on his anchorage in Grenoble. Sthose around us hope that the national management of the Covid will not weigh too much on this local ballot. The minister, former PS, even thinks of being able to reap support from socialists who refuse the agreement with the rebellious.

HASAnother example, in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, a Melenchonist bastion, candidate Yanis Bacha would like to make people forget the Macron label. Hhandicapped, he would like to be the first deputy in a wheelchair. He says he wants to bet on his career and his personality.

Significant emphasis is placed on communication, so that it is as harmonized as possible. We could consult an internal document: the candidates are offered a campaign kit of 2,450 euros, with advice, analysis of electoral behavior, customizable graphic elements, electoral propaganda documents, etc.

Et for the most ambitious candidates, options are possible: an à la carte website for 1,200 euros, a graphic designer to personalize all documents for 504 euros, etc. VSThe costs are very supervised: a legislative candidate cannot spend more than 38,000 euros on his campaign.

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