a giant fish caught in the waters of the Rhône



France 2

Article written by

C. Pétraud, T. Will, E. Kibireva – France 2

France Televisions

A catfish of 2.6 meters and 100 kg was caught in the Rhône. The animal was later released.

It’s on the Rhône, Sunday 1er May, that Anthony Jeannon had an exceptional moment. On the surface, he spots a tail and casts his line five times… he then engages in an exhausting duel in these bubbling waters. “The fish stakes his life, for him he will die. He puts all his power, all his strength”, says Anthony Jeannon. On the bank, the beast is brought back, measured ten times in a row as it seems immense: a catfish of 2.62 meters.

A freshwater fish, disgusting for some people. In the slippery mud, Anthony solicited his mind, his thighs, his abs, for 30 minutes without respite. The fish was released to preserve its life. Anthony did not break a record: the biggest specimen was fished in the Tarn. Scientists explain these large sizes by the catfish’s ability to adapt to its environment.

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