What to remember from this 75th day of war in Ukraine?

A law dating from the Second World War is reborn in the United States

United States President Joe Biden on Monday signed a bill in front of reporters to expedite the shipment of military equipment to Ukraine. He thus reactivated a device dating back more than 80 years. the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 is “based on a World War II program intended to help Europe resist Hitler” and “was supported by almost all members of Congress” – only 10 elected members of the House of Representatives voted against – , has noted the White House. “Ukrainians are fighting for their lives every day,” Biden said from the Oval Office. “This fight is expensive, but giving in to aggression would be even more expensive. »

Russian weapons tested by sanctions

The effect of international sanctions is beginning to be felt on the Russian arms industry. Indeed, it is struggling to replace the guided missiles used in Ukraine because of the embargo on electronic components hitting Russia, said Monday a senior Pentagon official. Russia has launched so many missiles at Ukraine that “they are running out of precision-guided weapons and they are struggling to replace them,” the senior official told reporters, who requested anonymity. “We believe that sanctions and export restrictions […] have an effect,” he added during a press briefing.

Finns overwhelming support for NATO bid

More than three quarters of Finns now support a candidacy for NATO, according to a new poll published Monday, a few days before the expected decision in Helsinki. According to the survey published by public television Yle, 76% of Finns – a record – want the country to join the Atlantic Alliance, compared to 60% last March. Finnish President Sauli Niinisto is due to officially announce his position on May 12 and experts expect the country’s NATO candidacy to be formalized within days. A majority of support also seems acquired in the Finnish Parliament: according to a score published last week, 121 of the 200 elected officials are in favor of joining the alliance.

Intense battles in the Lugansk region

“Very intense battles were going on [lundi] around Roubijné and Bilogorivka”, in the region of Lugansk, indicated the local governor, Serguiï Gaïdaï. “Aviation, artillery and mortars are active there. [Il y a] lots of fighters on both sides. Russia has so far claimed complete control of only one major city — Kherson, in the south — and the military offensive that many experts predicted would be meteoric has been marred by logistical setbacks. After having failed at the gates of kyiv, the Russian general staff notably had to revise its objectives downwards by tightening the offensive in the east and south of the country.

With Agence France-Presse

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