Land use planning | The CAQ “stuck in the 20th century”, denounces the opposition

(Québec) The opposition parties in the National Assembly unanimously denounce the Coalition avenir Québec, which they say does too little to support mayors who want to fight against urban sprawl to protect the environment.

Posted at 4:14 p.m.

Charles Lecavalier

Charles Lecavalier
The Press

“It’s refreshing to see this new wave of elected municipal officials who want to change things and build cities on a human scale. What worries me is that as cities enter the 21stand century, the CAQ is stuck in the XXand century”, denounces the parliamentary leader of Québec solidaire, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

Several Quebec mayors believe that the future of cities depends on the protection of natural environments and agricultural land, and urban densification. But they need tools to accomplish this transition and are impatiently awaiting the tabling of the national policy on architecture and land use planning, led by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, Andrée Laforest.

Mr. Nadeau-Dubois will judge the content of this policy when it is tabled. “but how can municipalities trust a government that says the third link will curb sprawl and that densification is a fad? To ask the question is to answer it,” he says.

“They cannot count on the Coalition avenir Québec to give them the keys to the transition,” he laments.

On the Liberal Party side, MNA for Verdun and environmental critic Isabelle Melançon makes a connection with the “Bread and Forests” march, which took place in Quebec City on Sunday. Mothers and mayors, she says, want a new vision of economic development, one that is “responsible and sustainable”. “When I still hear the Minister of the Environment say that the CAQ tunnel will curb urban sprawl. He is all alone in his corner to say that, ”she says.

No need for a bungalow

The MP believes that “significant paradigm shifts” are underway and that more and more people understand that it is possible to raise children in the city. “In Verdun, you won’t have bungalows. And yet, we talk about it as a paradise for families because of the green spaces, the parks, the infrastructures to welcome families. You don’t need to have a giant children’s module in every yard. Maybe we can share this infrastructure,” she says.

On the side of the Parti Québécois, leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon believes that “the environment, protection of agricultural land, greening of cities, accessibility to public transport, adaptation of cities to an aging population” will become essential subjects in the next few years, “whether the CAQ likes it or not”.

“The CAQ has wasted four years turning a deaf ear because its polls tell it that everything is fine: business as usual. Given that the urgency to act in terms of urban planning does not tally with this absence of leadership, it could very well be in for some surprises. Without falling into ideology, we need intelligent planning of these issues quickly. Congratulations to these mayors who have a vision and who show the way,” he said.

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