Abortion protests | The White House condemns threats and violence

(Washington) The White House reaffirmed on Monday that the right to demonstrate could not be accompanied by threats or violence, after a weekend marked by actions by abortion advocates, notably in front of the homes of judges of the Supreme Court.

Posted at 11:49

The high court seems ready to question the right of American women to terminate their pregnancies and tensions are high in the country around the question.

“The President of the United States strongly believes in the constitutional right to protest. But this should never include violence, threats or acts of vandalism,” White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki tweeted.

“Judges perform an extremely important function in our society, and they should be able to do so without worrying about their own safety,” she added.

About 100 pro-abortion protesters marched past the home of conservative Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday, before heading to that of court president John Roberts in suburban Washington. Actions denounced as unacceptable pressure by the conservatives.

Two elected Republicans, Tom Cotton and Paul Gosar, have thus denounced acts of “intimidation” carried out according to them with the tacit support of the administration of Joe Biden.

In addition, police have opened an investigation after the offices of an organization that campaigns against abortion were set on fire and tagged Sunday in the state of Wisconsin.

Last week, the American site Politico caused an explosion by publishing a draft Supreme Court judgment which, if adopted as is, will set the United States back 50 years, when each state was free to prohibit or allow abortions.

Abortion rights advocates called on Americans to march in droves on Saturday. Four major marches are expected in Washington, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles and hundreds of rallies are to take place across the rest of the country.

The American president called on Americans to defend the “fundamental” right to abortion at the polls during the fall legislative elections.

On Wednesday, the Senate is also expected to vote on a federal law guaranteeing the right to abortion. A symbolic vote is expected, the majority of Democrats being too narrow to allow them to adopt such a text.

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