Death of Yannick Alléno’s son at 24: many tributes to Antoine after the terrible accident

Obélix from the people press, she fell into it when she was little and never really left the pot. His favorite pastime? Scan the social networks of stars to unearth clues about breakups or new couples still kept secret.

May 8 will forever be a dark day for Michelin-starred chef Yannick Alléno. On the night of Sunday to Monday, Antoine, his 24-year-old son, died hit by a driver. A sad information that has aroused great emotion on social networks.

Yannick Alléno will never see his son Antoine again, who died on Sunday May 8 after being hit by a motorist in the heart of Paris as revealed Le Figaro. The emotion was palpable on the side of the cook’s fans, whose reactions in the comments of his photos on Instagram were numerous: “Courage in the most terrible test of a man’s life“, “No parent should bury their child. be strong“, “Courage sir“, “I am very saddened and think very strongly of your family..”

People have also shown their support for Yannick Alléno on social networks. Christine Kelly, a reporter for CNews, shared her dismay on Twitter: “To see his son killed on a scooter by a runaway thug in the middle of Paris. The horror. How sad. All my thoughts to Yannick Alléno.“Same thing on the side of Pierre-Jean Chalençon:”Horrible drama. I am totally overwhelmed by this news… We are living in the apocalypse. Every day, more and more odious miscellaneous facts… This boy had his life ahead of him, the talent, the joy of living… and Wow… All my thoughts to Yannick Alléno and his family.

This Sunday, May 8 around 11 p.m., Antoine Alléno was stopped at a red light not far from the Alma bridge in the 7th arrondissement of Paris when his scooter was violently hit by a motorist. The latter was driving a vehicle stolen earlier and was known to the police as wanted to serve a prison sentence and for drunk driving.

Passionate about cooking like his dad, Antoine Alléno was making his merry way behind the stoves. He notably worked with Yannick Alléno at the Allenotheque and had even opened a gourmet burger establishment, Father & Son Burger by Alléno, with him. The young man was only 24 years old and had a whole successful life ahead of him. A shattered destiny which unfortunately has many collateral victims…

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