The health crisis has permanently changed our relationship with our company

Employees expect their company to commit and trust them more. This is according to a global study conducted in 16 countries.

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For the firm Mercer, which conducted this study with 11,000 employees in 16 countries, the health crisis has caused an upheaval in human values. An upheaval that translates into a structural change in the labor market. The firm is trying to learn the lessons of this crisis in the field of human resources, on the relationships you have with your company, and the new expectations of employees around the world. And no doubt: everyone says that things have to move.

First change, employees want their company to commit. The study thus indicates that, from now on, employees everywhere want to work for companies that reflect their personal values. 96%, or almost all of them, expect their employer to lead a sustainability program that has an impact on social issues, diversity, equity and the environment. Objectives that must not remain mere words but must translate concretely into the objectives set, into new work practices and into the company’s investments.

Another request: a rebalancing of the relationship between employee and employer, the employees of the 16 countries studied no longer want to work for a company, but with a company. The firm Mercer therefore pleads for a rebalancing of the employer-employee contract. How ? For 9 out of 10 HR managers in the world, this means establishing a culture of trust, which employees have been demanding for two years. A culture of trust means, for example, setting up a real hybrid working method, with great autonomy in the workplace and working hours on the part of employees.

Employees also emphasize training. They know that the skills needed for good employability are changing at breakneck speed. They know that if they want to continue to progress, they have to train constantly. They are therefore demanding more transparency on the strategic skills necessary for their careers. But all that will not be enough. HR managers in the 16 countries surveyed expect a larger than normal wave of departures this year.

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