Behind the scenes at Brive Stadium

Not without humour, here is how Mickaël Galoustian defines his work within the Stadium. “We are a bit like the Mr. Clean of the Stadium” smiled the young man. It is true that among their seven hours of daily work outside matches, this cleaning task takes time, especially in the two most important stands, Elie-Pebeyre and Europe. Frédéric Jabraud, his colleague, does not say the opposite.

“We have a very, very big cleaning in the stands. Before the match, we clean all the seats.” A work carried out thanks in particular to the help of the Eastern Sector, a team that makes other structures in the city. “There is Mika who makes his Europe stand and we are divided to several to make the big stand and the south stand “ recalls Frédéric Jabraud.

Cleaning products and a master key

For this, men need tools. “We have cleaning products” underlines Mickaël Galoustian, but also, to pick up papers or rubbish to avoid injury, the two men have a protocol. “We have a trolley with a garbage bag hung with an elastic band and we have pliers to pick up the waste,” says Mickaël Galoustian, who explains that it’s easier to handle such a tool. Not to mention the keyring which includes a lot of keys. “A master key, that’s it” smiles Mickaël Galoustian.

So how do you become a maintenance agent at the Stadium? Mickaël Galoustian, pure-juice Brivist, followed a training on his arrival in January, because before, he was not at all in this branch of activity. “I was a waiter bartender” says the one who is also a hockey player at the Brive club, “Since I am a basic athlete, this one suited me terribly. So I did everything to get this job” Michael points out.

Not a thankless job

In this work, he finds his account. “It is rewarding as a profession. Afterwards, it’s sure that people don’t know us personally, because they see us on match days with all our keys and the equipment of the town hall, but maintaining a structure and seeing that the public comes here to pass a good time, that’s always rewarding.”

For Frédéric, a former mirror worker in Limoges, it is also a joy to work every day in a legendary stadium like the Stadium. After eight years in the stadium, he retains some nice moments in the locker room. “Even if today there is less conviviality” regret Frederic, “Because before, we were constantly in contact with the players and every evening, we cleaned the locker rooms. There was the weight room, the physiotherapy room next door, which is now the president’s lounge. Since they made the center of performance, the friendliness towards the players, we have it much less. But we still have it during the match days “

The health crisis disrupted their work, which nevertheless resumed well. “During the Covid, the refreshment bars were closed” recalls Mickaël. “Since then, we have a little more trash to pick up” he said without regret. “The stands are like our home” emphasizes the young man, decidedly happy to come to work at the Stadium.

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