Is Renaud really better since his heart operation?

He rises from his ashes like a phoenix. Indeed, Renaud fans were worried since the 69-year-old artist appeared less and less in public. But if the interpreter of Winner Mistral made this choice, it is also to recover his health and come back “stronger”. He has indeed, in recent years, fought his addiction to alcohol and has even reduced his consumption of cigarettes. However, he recognizes, among our colleagues from RTLalways “smoke like a fireman”.

“For a year and a half, I no longer drink a drop of alcohol. I am particularly satisfied. On the other hand, I still smoke like a firefighter. I still went from four packs of cigarettes a day to one pack”. But this Sunday, May 8, Renaud said a little more about the operation he had undergone last year to “heal” his heart. In an interview given to Sunday newspaperhe explained in particular that he had “operating on the heart last year. I had a stent placed because of a clogged artery. Since then, I’ve been doing very well.”.

Projects in shambles

Regarding alcohol, Renaud confirmed that he still hadn’t flinched and that he was showing a steely mind so as not to relapse. “Not a drop for a year. I still have little temptations, but I’m holding on”he admitted before realizing that he had been very lucky during his life: I have paid my tribute. When I think of how many times I’ve driven home with 2.5 grams of alcohol in my blood… There must be a god for drunks!”

Very good news for all his fans who hope to find an artist in great shape, capable of transmitting their emotions on stage as he has always been able to do. In this regard, the 69-year-old artist also gave good news.It’s no longer my age, but it could be that in a year I’ll give concerts again for my audience so wonderful”he confides in order to make it clear that health was constantly improving

See also: Louane emotion documentary Renaud


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