Clotilde Brown “Hollybel” at Housset and the year 2005

Side flavors on Sunday welcomes chefs, producers, artisans of the food trades. Together we go back in time through the year of their choice. For Clotilde Brown it’s the year 2005. A bit of nostalgia and above all a lot of good humor.

In 2005 Clotilde Brown returned home. This country is Thiérache in Housset where his family owns a farm. In her suitcases: an English husband and the desire to create flower syrups. The first will be the elderberry that she discovered in England, the second based on cherry blossoms.

Elder and cherry trees are on the property. The picking is done manually and you have to be very delicate to pick the cherry blossoms, which Clotilde pinches between her fingers to detach them from their branches.

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