Late abortions increase | The Journal of Montreal

Late abortions performed on Quebec soil have increased by 50% since the pandemic in Quebec, but the organization of the service is still managed on a “case by case” basis in a tense climate, due to a shortage of personnel.

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“It’s still complicated, deplores a doctor managing this service, who testifies anonymously for fear of reprisals. The service is given, but we are still almost on a case-by-case basis. »

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) to offer third trimester abortion in Quebec.

Although this health care is legal without restriction in Canada, Quebec women who wanted to terminate a pregnancy after 23 weeks had to go to the United States, at the expense of the MSSS. The reason was simple; no hospital wanted to offer the service here.

The closed border

However, the closure of the border in March 2020 forced the health network to treat these women. Since then, around 30 patients per year undergo a third trimester abortion.

This is at least 50% more than in previous years, show data from the MSSS. The reasons for this increase are multiple, but the delays in access to care at the start of the pandemic are part of it, according to the specialist doctor, who has noted a drop in demand recently.

However, after two years of service, the women are still sent from one hospital to another in turn, through a coordinating centre. Fewer than 10 doctors perform these abortions in Quebec, says the medical manager, who admits that some departments are hostile towards these patients.

For its part, the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Quebec (AOGQ) says it asked several months ago that a Montreal hospital be designated for these delicate procedures.

“But, with the pandemic and staff absences, this option does not seem feasible in the short term,” it says by email.

The ministry refuses to name the hospitals that perform late abortions for security reasons. We assure you that we want to implement a service in good and due form, but no timetable is specified. Last year, the MSSS pointed out that several hospitals would offer the service.

don’t force anyone

AOGQ President Dr. Elio Dario Garcia declined the interview request of the Log. By e-mail, it is stressed that late abortions should not be imposed on doctors, in the same way as medical assistance in dying, and it is mentioned that a societal debate on the subject must first be made.

The women who have recourse to a late abortion come from all social classes and live with all kinds of problems (drugs, mental illness, poverty, etc.).


2021-2022: 31

2020-2021: 39

2019-2020: 19*

2018-2019: 21*

* Abortions performed in the United States, at the expense of the ministry

Source: Ministry of Health and Social Services

Editor’s note: Late abortions are rare and represent less than 0.1% of cases

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