Bernard Montiel (TPMP) violently tackled and mocked for his presence at the investiture of Emmanuel Macron

A presence that arouses debate. This Saturday, May 7 marked an important day for Emmanuel Macron and the history of the Fifth Republic. Indeed, the companion of Brigitte Macron is the first president in the history of this political regime, has chained a second term. Although he intends, of course, to quickly resume his post, which he ultimately never left, he nevertheless took the opportunity to “celebrate” the event by inviting his supporters, his trusted men and women, as well as some unexpected guests, at the Élysée on the occasion of his investiture.

Nearly 450 guests had responded present and among them, well-known heads of the French political landscape. Like François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy, the last two Presidents of the Republic before Emmanuel Macron, but also Laurent Fabius, the former Prime Minister or Minister of Foreign Affairs under the mandate of François Hollande. In addition to political figures, some people were also able to attend the event.

Why is he there?

The actor François Cluzet who notably played in The Little Handkerchiefs Where Untouchablesbut also the actor, screenwriter and director, Guillaume Gallienne, as our colleagues from Here is. But in addition to all these beautiful people, a guest who did not fail to react to Internet users was also at the Élysée. The fans of TPMP are used to finding him almost every evening of the week on C8 when he participates in the daily Cyril Hanouna. “The” being none other than Bernard Montiel.

The former presenter Video Gag has raised many questions because for many tweeters, he did not deserve his place at the Élysée and some still wonder why Emmanuel Macron would have invited him. “See Bernard Montiel at Macron’s inauguration. And hear that he is part of the world of culture…”, “Bernard Montiel the freeloader he saw that there were petit fours, champagne and maybe a place with Macron he came”regretted some.

See also: Bernard Montiel in tears on C8!


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