?? Win your Piloting Initiation Box in XXL format with Domergue Aviation ??

Domergue Aviation

Training Center for Aeronautical Professions and the Practice of Air Sports, Domergue Aviation is an institution that rhymes with passion.
Flight school, Domergue Aviation also maintains a close link with the Besançon – La Vèze aerodrome.
The aerodrome and the flying club were indeed created in 1967 by a group of Besançon entrepreneurs.
Maintained in activity by Claude and Claudine Domergue then taken over in 1988 by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Doubs, the land allows activities to be carried out :
– Sport parachuting.
– Helicopter flight (baptisms, aerial work).
– Leisure aviation (first flights, walks).
– Training in a flight school.
– Aerial photography.
– Business aviation (air transport, plane taxi).

The F-GPSO Morane Rallye ST 100: a three-seater aircraft used for school and outings

Flight school, baptisms and outings

Free like air, you can choose from the different forms of flying lessonsbut also make you happy during different first-air circuits. The aerial advertising and parachuting are also among the skills of Domergue Aviation

Domergue Aviation Open Days

These Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 Mayenthusiasts are waiting for you at Besançon – La Vèze aerodrome, to discover and understand the world of aviation. The planes, the regulations, the diplomas, but also the landscapes and the sensations during walks possible throughout the weekend!

You are in control!
You are in control!

France Bleu Besançon offers you your Piloting Initiation Box XXL format

Play every day in our Circuit Bleu – Côté Jeufrom 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., and try to pick up your tailor-made initiation program !

Your 3 XXL lessons package includes:

  • 1 Briefing before flight during which the instructor explains the course of the flight.
  • 1 Pre-flight check where you learn about the components of the aircraft.
  • 1 Flight during which you actually take control under the responsibility of the instructor.
  • 1 Debriefingflight report, analysis of the lesson.

All flights are carried out and supervised by Professional Instructor Pilots.

Domergue Aviation walks – first flights circuits

For the pleasure of a flight and unique landscapes
For the pleasure of a flight and unique landscapes
Domergue Aviation, Besançon - La Vèze Aerodrome, route de Pontarlier, 25660 LA VEZE / Telephone:
Domergue Aviation, Besançon – La Vèze Aerodrome, route de Pontarlier, 25660 LA VEZE / Telephone:

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