Detox. Wearing a sanitary mask does not fall within the scope of the law prohibiting the concealment of the face in public space.


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On social networks circulates a photo, very commented, showing, on the front of a Carrefour store, a sign “masks prohibited”.

After months during which it was forbidden to go to stores without a mask, now it would be impossible to enter there masked? On social networks circulating a photo, very commented, showing, on the front of a Carrefour store, a sign “masks prohibited”. The sign directs customers to ” remain uncovered by invoking the law of October 11, 2010 prohibiting the concealment of the face in public space.

This photo is authentic, and has nothing to do with editing, as the manager of this store located in Grenoble confirms to Désintox. Whose approach is only for security purposes “, he explains. Dodging the health question, the trader explains that since the mask is no longer compulsory in stores, his customers must be able to be identified on his shelves in accordance with the law prohibiting the concealment of the face.

Except that this is a misinterpretation of the 2010 law. While it prohibits people from concealing their face in public space, wearing clothing that partially conceals the face for reasons of health, such as bandages or a medical mask, is one of the exceptions provided for by law. It is therefore impossible to prohibit the wearing of a surgical mask.

On the other hand, if a client presented himself with a mask, sunglasses and a hat, the desire to conceal could be characterized, explains lawyer Thierry Vallat. The merchant also concedes to Désintox that he continues to let certain masked customers enter his store… The Carrefour group told Désintox that the display had been removed.

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