Married at first sight: Caroline’s revelations about Axel and his shocking remarks

They are no longer together but they still clash. Caroline and Axel candidates from Married at first sight 2022 80% compatible, multiply declarations and attacks. It is the pretty brunette who spoke this time. She returns in particular to their break-up and seriously scratches Axel.

It is up to our colleagues to Entertainment TV that the mother of Loup-Gabriel (3 years old) confided. She, who has never been attracted to her husband, was surprised to see him take the lead in ending their “relationship”. Precisely, she decided to confide in this moment after recalling that, at the start, they got along all the same well. “He wanted us to part on good terms. It’s true, I’ll be honest, he warned me that the production would make me look like a bad guy. He told me: ‘if we part on good terms, they won’t be able to do anything special.’ I found it nice. I didn’t expect him to take the initiative to end the relationship because it wasn’t very representative of reality. But after all I said to myself ‘ok fine, he did it, after all we agree’“, she says.

It was then that their relationship deteriorated. Axel would have left the WhatsApp group in which he exchanged with his friends and Caroline, which according to the brunette “created discomfort“. And then? Axel would have made a sensational statement to her. She says: “Not long ago he admitted to me that his friends didn’t like me. I told him that everything was sincere on my side and that I wished him a lot of happiness. He replied that he didn’t give a damn about my happiness and that his friends agreed with him… All that is a little surprising. I think he still has a lot of resentment towards me.“Ouch!

Resentment or not towards Caroline, Axel has in any case found love as he recently made it known. He is in a relationship with a person who is part of his circle of friends, an idyll which has already lasted for several months.

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