Birds in Occitan

An ausèl or an aucel, it depends on the pronunciations in Languedoc Occitan. In Gascon Occitan, birds are pronounced los ausèths or eths ausèths. To speak of all the birds, there is the word aucelum (or aucelum). Of the birds you can see or hear, with the blackbirds. No need to translate since you understood. In Comminges, the blackbird is said in Gascon eth merli. In our region you can observe of mesengas. Question for you other than our escotatz: what is aquò una mesenga?

A tit?

And yes ! Specifically lo capnegre. lo capnegreit is the great tit. cap negre, word for word, is the black head. Of course, you see and hear them regularly: his weary annoyed. Una annoyed, it’s a magpie. Moreover, we say in Occitan que las agaças fan pas de rossinhòls / that magpies don’t make nightingales. Another variant: las agaças fan no cocuts / magpies don’t say cuckoos. Figuratively, this expression refers to heredity: children resemble their parents.

Another aucel amb lo barbaros!

Lo barbaros, it’s the robin. So much for sedentary birds: ara, parlem dels ausèls que venon d’endacòm mai / now let’s talk about migratory birds. Avètz for example lo puput. Lo puput, it’s the huppe (feminine in French but masculine in Occitan since you say lo puput). Avètz tanben the auriòl, it is the oriole. By the way, auriol is a well-known surname in our region. Auriol like Vincent Auriol, former President of the Republic from 1947 to 1954. Originally from Revel, he knew how to express himself in Occitan.

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