“Drinking was correlated with violence”: In tears at trial, Amber Heard again accuses Johnny Depp

I can’t find the words to describe how painful, awful it is for me to sit here and go through it all again“, she explained to the judges before continuing on”The love of his life“, a man however”horrible” according to her, “very different on amphetamine from Johnny on opiates“. She affirms in particular that “drinking was correlated with violence” and that he sexually assaulted her in 2013, the year they married, when he claimed she stole his cocaine.

I didn’t want to leave him, I wanted him to be better“, she finally explained, before recounting with emotion several other incidents and fits of jealousy. After their divorce, linked in particular to a story of excrement in the marital bed, she had filed a complaint against him for domestic violence, a complaint subsequently withdrawn after a financial agreement.

However, in 2018, the actress, seen in many big productions like Aquaman, had signed a column speaking of violent men. Furious, Johnny Depp had then filed a complaint for defamation, claiming 50 million dollars. His ex-wife had replied, asking for the double. It is this case that is being tried today, in a trial that had so far turned out more to Johnny Depp’s advantage.

The actor had notably revealed that his ex-girlfriend had been violent with him, a testimony confirmed by his former bodyguard and several friends. However, they also had to recognize several chilling text messages sent by the actor about the one who shared his life. In short, difficult to disentangle the true from the false between the two former lovers. The judges will hear from Amber Heard again this Thursday.

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