two teenagers arrested after the beating of a schoolboy

Two teenagers attacked another 13-year-old on May 1 in Jarny, reports France Bleu Sud Lorraine on Thursday. The video of the attack was posted on the social network Snapchat.

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Two teenagers were arrested after the beating of a schoolboy on Sunday May 1 in Jarny in Meurthe-et-Moselle, reports France Bleu Sud Lorraine, Thursday May 5. The child’s mother filed a complaint. A video of the assault was posted on social media.

On Sunday around 9 p.m., the 13-year-old crossed paths with an acquaintance and followed her, at her request. He found himself in an isolated recess where another young man, masked and armed with a knife, was waiting for him. The latter then began to beat the victim with kicks and punches, while the other young person filmed the facts. The video was later posted on Snapchat.

The victim returned home and wanted to hide the affair from his family. But the rumor of an attack quickly circulated in the city and his mother finally discovered the video of the facts last Tuesday. She immediately filed a complaint.

Investigators quickly identified the attackers and arrested them. They admitted the facts in police custody, but deny their seriousness. They are targeted by an investigation for “violence in meetings with a weapon”, aggravated by the dissemination of images on the internet.

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