Support for creation in regional languages

Support for creation in regional languages

Jacky Grotzinger gives you the details of this call for projects which can help you organize an initiative around regional languages.

The presentation brochure of the call for projects.

If you are a dialect speaker and your heart tells you to compose songs, write plays or shoot a film, don’t wait a second and apply! Through you, your inventiveness and your daring, you will help to keep alive and better, to revitalize the constitutive elements of our heritage that our mission is not to let die, under penalty of impoverishing us collectively. So don’t hesitate, the community is there to support you.

Jean Rottner, president of the Grand Est region.

The call for projects is aimed at all creators in the regional language, whether they are professionals or associative actors.

Selected projects can benefit from a grant of up to € 5,000.

The direct page to the call for projects and the documents to be completed until January 30, 2022.

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