In the Oise, pharmacy sachets to fight against domestic violence


France 3 Picardy

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They are much more than pieces of paper. In the Oise, pharmacies are responsible for distributing sachets for medicines on which practical information against domestic violence is printed. A way to help the many victims to report themselves. #TheyHaveTheSolution

When violence sets in in a family, the law of silence often prevails. But the authorities of Oise decided otherwise. As part of a prevention campaign, the prefecture of the department announced the distribution of 100,000 sachets for medicines in the 219 pharmacies in the territory. The particularity of these small bags: they are abundantly printed with practical information devoted to the fight against domestic violence. This system could soon be extended to the other departments of Hauts-de-France.

This action is a continuation of the pharmacy alert system which was initiated by the government during the first confinement in March 2020. To this end, the Regional Union of Health Professionals of Hauts-de-France (URPS ) responded favorably to this partnership communication campaign, which can help identify new victims.

“Either a person is in distress and they can go to a pharmacy and we will dial the numbers with them, or people are not in this spirit, we give them information and they will be able to identify themselves at any time. “, affirms Grégory Tempremant, president of the URPS.

An approach which is welcomed by the victims, including Julie, a resident of Oise who testified to the domestic violence of which she was the victim. “I think it can help to challenge. These are different sachets from usual. We all know, in our relatives, people to whom it happens, so say to yourself, maybe I’ll keep (the sachet) for the day it happens”.

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